
BMW – BMW: The Laser Record

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Carnage’s head of development Oisin Tymon, former series producer of TV show Top Gear, has just shot his first commercial as a director – a stunt-driving spectacular out of Jung von Matt.

Some of us need a BMW to pootle to Waitrose in or sit stationary on the M25, but some of us might need it to navigate a tortuous obstacle course in order to burst several silvery balloons in 60 seconds. If you fall into the latter group this ad – which refreshingly avoids those auto ad clichés more worn than a stock car racer's tyres – is for you.

In keeping with his Top Gear pedigree director Tymon has created an exceptionally good-looking film that captures BMW’s attempt to break world records held by humans. This one sees the car – fitted with an attractive blue laser beaming out of its radiator grille – screeching round an obstacle course bursting 79 balloons in 60 seconds. This beats the human record of 63 balloons in a minute. 



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