On My Radar: Mikael Nakkas
Mikael Nakkas, Executive Post Producer at Wash, doesn't want you to laugh at his favourite lockdown purchase, gets lost in an Andrea Arnold film, and isn't a lover of a particular, iconic 70s film.
What is the most creative advertising idea you’ve seen recently?
I’m going with Greenpeace Wasteminster, mainly because it’s so different to anything I’ve seen recently. The mix of wittiness and the seriousness of its messaging, is so well balanced and impactful.
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- Production Company Park Village
- Director Studio Birthplace
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powered by- Production Company Park Village
- Director Studio Birthplace
- CGI MethodnMadness
- Managing Director/Executive Producer Tom Webb
- Executive Producer Adam Booth
- Producer Sean Lin
- CG Director Alex Scollay
- CG Executive Producer Tan Wen Hao
- CG Producer Christian Fontaine
- Composer Onn San

powered by- Production Company Park Village
- Director Studio Birthplace
- CGI MethodnMadness
- Managing Director/Executive Producer Tom Webb
- Executive Producer Adam Booth
- Producer Sean Lin
- CG Director Alex Scollay
- CG Executive Producer Tan Wen Hao
- CG Producer Christian Fontaine
- Composer Onn San
What website(s) do you use most regularly?
I’d love to know the amount of hours I’ve spent on Vimeo Staff Picks. It became a slight obsession even before starting out in the industry and it still serves me well.
What’s the most recent piece of tech that you’ve bought?
Pioneer DDJ-200 [below]; definitely an early lockdown purchase, and anyone who knows anything about it will laugh at the model (as it’s essentially a child’s toy), but it’s provided some entertaining moments nonetheless… cue air horn.
What product could you not live without?
I’ve become quite particular about my notebook. It’s always a Moleskine, and it has to be the hardcover style, with lines inside. Someone bought me one that was a soft cover once and I returned it. I'm now that person.

What’s the best film you’ve seen over the last year?
Rocks; an incredible ensemble of young actors.
What film do you think everyone should have seen?
Fish Tank. You forget you’re watching a film and these are actors playing characters. It’s the highest compliment I can pay to the storytelling. I love Andrea Arnold.
What’s your preferred social media platform?
I don't really use any for personal use anymore, but Instagram for inspiration is good [and] the saved feature is useful. I wish they would get rid of the likes and displaying the number of followers though.
What’s your favourite TV show?
Can’t think of a favourite currently but the ones I’ve watched recently which I’ve really enjoyed are Ethos, Normal People and When They See Us [below].

What’s your favourite podcast?
I’m yet to get into podcasts. I think I spend too much time on music streaming platforms instead.
What show/exhibition has most inspired you recently?
My partner works in the art industry, so I’m usually going to a fair few; with Covid it’s been on pause a bit but I’m looking forward to going to the 1:54 Contemporary African Art Fair again.
What’s the most significant change you’ve witnessed in the industry since you started working in it?
From my experience, and in a positive way, I would say the attitudes of those working in the industry. People want to work with nice people; it always makes the experience more enjoyable and I believe as a consequence, brings better results.

If there was one thing you could change about the advertising industry, what would it be?
More diversity.
Who or what has most influenced your career?
A producer when I first started out running. Everything was going wrong on a shoot; the camera stopped working, the 1st AD didn’t show up... The PM started panicking and running around to other crew, the producer quickly pulled them to the side and explained calmly, and in the order of priority, what to do to resolve each situation. It's really stuck with me ever since, highlighting how contagious your energy can be and your mindset when things don't go according to plan.
Tell us one thing about yourself that most people won’t know.
I don’t care for Star Wars. Sorry, not sorry.