
This football season, Progressive Insurance and creative agency Arnold Worldwide are taking the football replay challenge into homes to help homeowners settle common household disagreements. 

The second spot of the campaign, Scream, features a father/son duo debating if the dad screamed when he saw a spider. The son is proven right through the help of Progressive’s “What Really Happened Replay” as the scream replays loud and clear.

Sean McBride said: “When your kids are young, your version of what happens in your home is really the only version. But as they grow up, an alternative view of who you are or how you sound shows up, one that’s outside your control. That’s what l love so much about this latest instalment of our replay campaign for Progressive, that truth that how you sound in your own head isn’t always how you’d actually sound were you to check the replay.”

Progressive Insurance – Scream

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