
With a career that's seen her work in all aspects of commercial production, from stints at Wieden+Kennedy and Blink to her current position as MD of CANADA London, Marta Bobić is clearly all about creativity.

With choices including a delightfully formed natural sculpture and a strong recommendation for anyone's bookshelf, Bobić's picks show a love of memory preservation and cultural connections.

The Mountain of Mountain

The mountains are where I am most happy. 

There is no freer feeling than being on top of a mountain in the bright, cold silence, joy spiked with a little fear. 

My decision to live in sea-level London is odd, I know, but that’s why mountains feel like such an escape.

This rock lives on my desk. It’s a piece of the Dolomites in Italy, where I got married. 

It’s a piece of a mountain, which looks like a mountain; looking at it and thinking about that adventure with friends and family makes me almost as happy as being there. 

In fact, my husband Davis is the person who introduced me to CANADA in the first place, and I love that connection so much.

The Quarterly

I read a lot. 

Since I can remember, I’ve loved to lose myself in stories. 

Being so involved with screens all day means that at the end of the day, I need to take my eyes and brain somewhere radically different. 

McSweeney's Quarterly is a firm favourite. You never know what you’re going to get when it arrives but the writing is always impeccable, the subjects surprising and witty, and the design and craft exceptional. 

I love when a little weirdness and magic rubs up against reality, and they always nail that in their curation.

It’s so inspiring to see what a short story can achieve in so few words, and just like with the best short films, we can all learn from the kind of economy and sharp focus they demand.

The Ticket

Last year I was invited by Stitch to be a mentor for the Homespun Yarns short film competition. 

I was honoured and jumped at the chance. 

Working with new talent is something I really love doing and I have admired the work Stitch and Yarns do for many years. 

Giving new talent a platform to showcase their skills backed by real industry support is vital. It was such a delight to be part of that positive environment, and to witness so much excitement in the audience at the screening.

Mentoring is something I always make time for, I certainly benefited from it myself.

That’s how we’ll make this industry a more inclusive place eventually, by giving young talent opportunities that don’t require them to have trodden the usual paths.

The Map

It is both a blessing and a curse being part of a company named after a country. 

On the downside, it’s hard to search for and we get some baffling misdirected emails. 

On the upside, the jokes and souvenirs we receive are pretty special.

My sister gave me this map as a gift when I first started at CANADA seven years ago, back when our office was a tiny room above a sandwich shop in Soho and our London team consisted of an intern and me. 

It’s pretty cool to see how far we’ve come and how CANADA has grown since then, so it lives on the wall near my desk.

The Wheels

I’ve had this bike for a decade. 

It’s a tank. It is battered, chipped and bruised, but it just keeps going. 

Cycling keeps me sane and lets me choose my paths around town. 

I can’t handle the crush of the Tube and I am a person who hates being late to meetings and appointments, so cycling everywhere means I know exactly how long it’ll take me to get anywhere and gives me that time to be alone and think. 

Now that I have a young daughter, I want to either be at work or at home and that means the shortest possible commute... even if cycling means that I arrive everywhere rain-soaked and frozen most of the year.
