
Fondation des Hôpitaux – Souvenir

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No-one likes to see a kid in hospital, particularly one suffering from as traumatic a disease as cancer, but, somehow, directing duo AB/CD/CD have managed to not only make the heartbreaking seem heartwarming but also imbue it with a message of hope for anyone else unlucky enough to find themselves in the same situation.

Following a young boy named Louis (in reality a pair of twin actors) as he recovers in the pediatric hospital of Bullion, Souvenir presents its documentary style as a home-movie of sorts; the film being given the feel of a self-edited homage to his stay in the hospital by the patient himself.

Produced by La PAC for France's Fondation des Hôpitaux, the film's artifice in no way hampers its authenticity, with the real hospital team and patients joining in on the shoot and giving the endeavour the welcoming glow of positivity.
