
Yerba Armino – From Here to Space

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This cinematic spot, created by Notable and directed by Oliver Garland through Dogstar Films for the Uruguayan tea brand, stars a brew-obsessed astronaut on a solo mission that combines comedy, drama, and clever anti-gravity tricks. 

On discovering that her last packet of Yerba Armiño (a tea brewed from yerba mate leaves) is empty, she descends into crisis, panicking that she won’t make the two day journey back to Earth without it. Solemnly pondering the life and family she left behind, she has a sudden revelation that her mother sent a good luck package containing her favourite tea blend. The mission is saved. 

Dogstar explained how they made use of tricks and techniques used in popular space films such as Inception and Interstellar to create a convincing anti-gravity environment. 

"We have seen that even international pieces with big budgets sometimes failed to achieve the effect without showing the people hanging," explained Federico Cetta, Partner and Executive Producer of Dogstar. "In Uruguay there is no precedent for such a piece. So, we set out to do it with excellence and we are really happy with the results."
