
The richly cinematic narrative features Lucinda Chua alongside nine year old up and coming actor Coco Bridger as Yian Yian, Chua’s younger self. 

Assembling a production team of London’s leading East and South East Asian creatives, they enlisted the help of executive creative producer Tiger Hagino Reid, producer Cheruto Wang, production designer Erin Tse, movement director Duane Nasis and photographer Milo van Giap.

Confined in the isolation of a mosquito net, Chua discovers a younger version of herself Yian Yian similarly alone. Yian Yian offers her both punishment and salvation, as Chua comes to understand and accept herself fully.

Lucinda Chua – Golden

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the combination of both Tash Tung and Chua's styles compliment each other perfectly. the outcome is cinematic, stylish and sparse, balanced with great depth of emotion. The video works as one performance between Lucinda and Yian Yian, using expressive movement and physicality to playfully find the uncanny in the double image, mirrored movement and mimicry in sync. 

Blink Productions Director Tash Tung said: “I had such joy in creating the visual language and storytelling, with details so rooted in our shared, lived experiences; especially working with Lucinda, a close friend and longtime collaborator, and other East and South East Asian talent. I wish I could have told my younger self to seek out a community, but I’ve finally found it now.”

Lucinda Chua adds: “working with Tash and a cast and crew of predominantly ESEA talent was the first time in my professional life where I was not the minority.” Chua says “representation isn’t only about diversity, it’s also the ability to see yourself outside of yourself, the encouragement to dream and desire. in releasing this work, I hope to make my younger self proud.”
