
Armoury director Jack Laurance has collaborated with Channel 4 and the Police in their latest recruitment drive which aims to entice candidates for diverse and underrepresented backgrounds to the force. 

The series will launch with the film Life as a Black Police Officer and will be followed by other films in the series such as Life as a Gay Police Officer in late May and June.

Jack Laurance says: "Sometimes directing is about what you don't do, what you don't say. Just listening. I was determined that these conversations would be led by the contributors, not me. This was the only way we were going to come close to achieving the integrity the films required. This was a trust exercise too. The contributors had to feel that they owned the conversation, which was also central to the creative idea of turning a Police interrogation scene on its head.

The Home Office – Untold: The Police – Life as a Black Police Officer

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"For Life As A Black Police Officer I remember sitting with Rowan & TJ in the green room. TJ (a Black Police Officer from Tottenham with firearms experience) was understandably quite nervous. How honest was he allowed to be in his answers? We discussed the opportunity this was to really talk openly about accusations of institutional racism. Not to hold back or self censor. Easy for me to say, behind the scenes, as a White male. Much harder for TJ to say, on camera. There was (and always has been) a lot at stake for TJ. Again, it came back to trust in the exercise."

"To TJ's credit his answers in both the TVC and the social edits came completely from the heart. They weren't pre-prepared or vetted. This is depressingly unusual. Both Channel 4 and the Home Office embraced the idea of an interrogation turned on its head from the outset and understood that only the uncomfortable truth would suffice."

The Home Office – Untold: The Police – Life as a Gay Police Officer:

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