
Audi – Q3 Hype Montage

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Three seconds: that’s how long you’ve got to attract the focus of your poor digitally-ravaged millennial, who, as we know, has the attention span of a toddler hummingbird on amphetamines.    

Though social platforms vary in how they measure viewing, for both Facebook and Instagram, watching just three seconds of a video of any length is considered a view. Plenty of time to enjoy each of these 12 tiny pieces of content – glued together in this punchy montage – promoting the Audi Q3 in :03 (the three-second format). 

Tasked with targeting the brand's youngest audience on social, M/H VCCP and creative production company Gentleman Scholar have collaborated on a very good-looking series of videos using an array of media, incorporating CG, B&W, street-art, 3D, type, abstract, stop-motion animation, collage and illustration.

They were directed by Will Johnson, who says: "We brought a refreshing mixed-media style to our treatment, featuring the Q3's beautiful angles and contours in a world painted with abstract shapes, colours and animations." 
