
Production company Alfredo Films welcomes Spanish director Lonan for Canadian representation.

Barcelona-born and raised, Lonan is known for his larger than life films, and has experienced an explosive start to his directing career. 

After studying cinematography in school, working as an actor, and spending 11 years in the art department (where he made his way up from an art PA to a production designer), Lonan approached directing with an arsenal of past experiences that helped him perfect the art of visual storytelling.  

Lonan’s ability to craft detail in every aspect of his work is a testament to his history and quick climb in this industry. From the hyperbolic performances of his actors, his daring camera moves, his stunning VFX and transitions to his backdrops of vibrant environments, he ensures his films always feel grand, epic and elevated.

Executive producer Alexander Henry has to say on Lonan’s signing “Lonan brings a true level of artistry to his work. He is very involved in every step of the filmmaking process and it’s such an incredible thing to watch him work and see his vision come to life. He’s got such a big personality that when he’s directing everyone on set stops and watches. It’s a beautiful thing to witness.

On signing, Lonan says “Happy to be part of the Alfredo films family. After filming together in Toronto with this young and professional team, one realises that now is our time, where the young generations get to lead today's style and establish a way of working that will offer a new generation of projects”
