

08.00: When I wake, I go to my balcony and pretend to admire the beautiful Table Mountain when I'm usually just spying on my neighbours.


09.00: A shelfie, which don't think does my bookshelf justice - I like looking at all the books I haven't read while eating breakfast.


10.00: And then I might actually read a chapter on my throne. Zadie Smith is basically the only author I read.


10.30: And then I'm off... 


... to pick up the posters for my new film series, The Foxy Five, which is currently screening at the Bioscope Cinema in Johannesburg.


12.30: On the way to Postnet to send off the package, I spot some dodgy "art".



15.00: Pretending to work at a coffee shop. Pinocchio looks down on me censoriously as I continuously scroll Facebook.


16.15: My friend Yoza sends me a pic of a Foxy Five poster she's putting up around Johannesburg.



16.30: And my friend in New Zealand shows me my photograph being displayed in a clothing store.


18.00: When I get home, more new prints have arrived!

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