
Production company MindsEye is thrilled to welcome director Dario Fau to their UK directing roster. 

Fau is the director behind the phenomenally successful Canal+ commercial, Papa?, which swept the board at the 2023 shots Awards, picking up 5 golds including Director Of The Year, as well as picking up a GOLD Cannes Lion and a D&AD Graphite Pencil. 

Dario wrote and directed the piece which features an extended family gathering at their ailing patriarch’s bedside as his heart rate monitor starts and stops seemingly in tune with his grandson’s out-of-tune violin playing. 

The real truth is later revealed in a satisfying and brilliantly funny twist. Dario went on to direct another film for Canal+ Super which also picked up several awards including a Silver Cannes Lion and 2 Silvers and a Bronze at the Shots awards. 

Most recently, Dario directed a beautifully observed and cinematic spot for Dacia, in which the protagonist attempts to decode the car company’s new strapline. Dario loves exploring human nature and its vulnerabilities, whether this is through comedy, drama or a blend of the two. 
